Writing is My Philosophy

Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid
2 min readMay 10, 2022


A poem

Photo by Angelina Litvin on Unsplash

I’m listening to my favorite Sufi music
Its midnight here near 12:28 am
I stay awake thinking about everything
And writing those random thoughts
Why am I writing all these?
for me, Writing is the way to taste life twice
in the moment and in retrospect
And also a way to harness these thoughts
Which are inside my mind
the mind is always in the chaos of thoughts
Different times different thoughts
But it’s not easy to express everything in words
Because the most time I fail to find the right words
to fit these thoughts and emotions
Right words can be like X-rays
if anyone uses them properly then
they’ll go through anything
writing is the only way I can shake off everything as I write
it's the best way to share my love with anyone
living in the space or in deep oceans,
does not matter whether living near or far to me
I do not have the intention
to write for earning anything
or impress anyone
I do not need it
Why do I need to write?
I discovered a beautiful new perspective on writing
Perspective is everything
Writing things down has really helpful
It helps to understand things with a clear
and a more logical perspective
Here is a lesson
Writing has the ability to enhance
our thinking and understanding of different ways
And helps to organize
to express our ideas in a clear and coherent manner

Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid 11–5–2022 1:42 Am

Here is my favorite Sufi music which i was listening during write it



Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid

"Versatile Wordsmith | IT Solutions Strategist | Motorcycle Voyager | Multilingual Enthusiast". I’m so deep even the ocean gets jealous