The foundation and concept of Islam and what does Quran say by reading for yourself

Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid
7 min readJul 31, 2021


Your reading won’t make you a Muslim but it’ll help you out to learn and understand Islam and Quran in the right way.

Today I would like to take this opportunity to express praise and to thank Allah Almighty for giving me the opportunity to write a series of articles on an important topic about “Islam and its basic foundation and concept”. This is the first in a series of articles.

The goal of writing this series:

The goal for the writing and publishing of this series is to be clear and concise about those misconceptions of Islam and the Quran around the world. my main objective is not to deal with the wrong information that is spread about Islam, simply to present what Islam truly is, based on the authoritative sources of Islam from the Quran and as well as the Sunnah. I would like to tell you something important to understand about the original sources of Islam. There are only two authoritative sources of Islam : the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. All beliefs and practices are subservient to these foundations, if something is consistent with them, it may be accepted; something contradicts them, it is unacceptable.

This is an important time for many reasons, Islam is often pictured in a very unflattering manner in many parts of the world. Since many people are unfamiliar with Islam beyond what they see in the international media, it is not surprising that such misrepresentations of Islam have influenced public opinion. for example, these people are thinking and saying that Islam teaches hatred against other religions and terrorism, etc.

So, being a Muslim and seeker of Allah, I think it’s our responsibility to try to spread a true message of Islam and the Quran to others. The easiest and probably the most productive cure for this situation is by reaching out to those people and allowing them to hear what Islam is truly all about. One must go beyond the hype and get to the true authentic teachings of the religion. and all Those misconceptions are not true.

Islam never teaches these things but Islam teaches, oneness & upholds the equality of all people, regardless of race or social status abolishing all systems that are against it including the caste system. The total brotherhood of mankind is symbolically demonstrated during daily Prayer at the mosque.

Any kind of misconception about Islam and the Quran is totally meaningless. if somebody has a concern about Islam. I think the best way to know about Islam is to study Islam and Quran. You find everything about Islam in Quran.

There are many Islamic scholars and other Muslims who spend their lifetime spreading the true messages of Islam and the Quran. They clarify the misconception about Islam and Quran, even sometimes the involve several debates and dialogue by personalities of other religions. They use logic and science as their yardstick for the religious scripture.

A Short History of Islam:

Islam is the second-largest religion in the world, the creation of Islam in the 7th century and started in Mecca. Islam is the religion of equality without any discrimination of religion, caste, color, and racism. Islam is an Arabic term that literally means “ accepts surrounded to the will of Allah Almighty “. Here the will of Allah Almighty means “ to which human beings must submit “. In İslam, Quran is a holy book that is revealed to the Holy Prophet and the last messenger of Allah Muhammed PBUH.

history of Islam from Harvard University

The beliefs of Islam:

There are six basic foundation beliefs of Islam like other religions. Muslims are monotheistic and worship one, all-knowing Allah, Angels, Prophets, Holy books, the last day, and predestination. The major beliefs of Islam are Monotheism which means “ There is only One God (Allah) & Allah alone is worthy of Worship”, the second major belief is Prophethood which is “Allah elected some righteous men to Guide Humanity towards Devine guidance & Muhammad(PBUH) was the Last Messenger of God” and the last major belief is Life After Death.

In this video about the basic beliefs of Islam where Dr. Musharraf Hussain introduces “ the basic beliefs of Islam “.

The first pillar of Islam; Tawhid (Shahadah):

Tawhid (Shahadah means Faith ) (“making one,” “asserting oneness”), in Islam, is the first pillar & the central concept of Islam. the oneness of God, in the sense that he is one and there is no god but he, as stated in the shahādah (“witness”) formula: “There is no god but God and Muhammad is His prophet.” This is the basic principle of the Islamic faith.

The second pillar of Islam; Salah (Prayer):

Salah is the second and most important pillar of Islam after Shahadah. Salah is performed by all Muslims across the globe. The mandatory five prayers daily involve uniting mind, body, and soul in worship. On another side, Muslims who establish regular prayers will also have d reward from Allah.

The Third Pillar of Islam; Zakah ( Charity):

Zakah ( Zakah means giving Charity) is the third Pillar of Islam, is an important act of worship as stressed by being highlighted at least 82 times in the Quran along with salah.

“ And establish prayer and give zakat, and whatever you will find it with Allah”. ( 2:10 Quran).

Zakat is the compulsory giving of a set proportion of one’s wealth to charity. In this time more than ever, let us share our blessings and come to aid those in need. It is through unity that we shall prevail.

The fourth Pillar of Islam; Fasting ( Sawm):

Fasting, or sawm, the fourth Pillar of Islam is annual obligatory fasting during each day in the month of Ramadan. It is a month-long fast where Muslims abstain from food, water, and other pleasures and intimacy from dawn until dusk. During Ramadan, Muslims break their fast after sundown with an iftar meal.

The Fifth Pillar of Islam; Hajj ( Pilgrimage):

Hajj, the pilgrimage to Makkah, is the fifth pillar and the most significant manifestation of Islamic faith and unity in the world. Every Muslim must take at least once during their life. It occurs during the month of Dhul Hajj, the last month of the Islamic calendar, and concludes with Eid-ul-Adha prayers.

In the end, I would like to say that These are five primary obligations, or pillars of Islam that define the basic identity of Muslims and Each Muslim must fulfill in his or her lifetime. They are as follows their faith, beliefs, and practices and bind together a worldwide community of believers into a fellowship of shared values and concerns.

The Authoritative Sources of Islam:

The two major authoritative sources of Islamic law are the Quran and Sunnah. These two authoritative sources of Islam are where the majority of the teachings come from when looking for guidance and educate themselves on a topic.

  1. The Importance of the Quran :

The holy book Quran is the most essential spiritual book of Islam religious belief and for the Muslim community. Holy Quran is a book of Guidance. The Quran was provided to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) by Archangel Gabriel over a period of 23 years. It is spread over 30 parts and has 114 chapters. The Quran is one main authoritative sources of Islam to learn about Islam.

The holy Quran teaches that the Law of sharia collectively helps a man to attain spiritual purity and exaltation, ethics, the relationship between God and man, the purpose of life, morality, history of nations, teaches us how to be self-critical, how to reason and faith, and so on. When we attain both, paradise is the reward.

2. The Importance of the Sunnah ( Habitual Practice) :

The Sunnah ( Habitual Practice) is a collection of guidance rules along with the Quran from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for Muslims that helps them in almost every imaginable situation. The Sunnah is the second and last main authoritative source of shariah (Islamic law) to learn about Islam.

Some Islamic Stories:

These are my previous stories which maybe help you to understand Islam. Reading is only one of the best ways to have a better understanding of Islam.

Final thoughts:

This is a great opportunity for every free-thinking and broad-minded human being and it’s for every seeker of the truth who might have, once wondered, what is the religion of Islam and Quran is all about.

When you want to learn about any subject, the best resource is the source of that knowledge. There is only two main and important authoritative source to learn about ISLAM IS HOLY QURAN and Sunnah, nothing else.

I advise you to read it if you wish to learn about Islam from its authoritative source.

I pray that Allah accepts this work from me as being solely for His sake. As with all such work, the responsibility for any mistakes lies with the author’ I ask Allah to forgive me for my shortcomings in presenting His religion and Quran and to guide me to the Straight Path. Ameen

If you enjoyed reading, learned anything interesting, or know anyone who should read this, please feel free to recommend or write a response. I’m always excited to hear from others and learn.

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Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid
Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid

Written by Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid

"Versatile Wordsmith | IT Solutions Strategist | Motorcycle Voyager | Multilingual Enthusiast". I’m so deep even the ocean gets jealous

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