Sufism Wisdom: Pakistani Punjabi Spiritual Sufi Poet, Scholar, & Philosopher Bulleh Shah’ Kalam Na Kar Bandeya Meri Meri ( O Human, Leave Off This Battle for Worldly Possessions)

Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid
11 min readJun 1, 2022


Sufi poets discuss in their poetry, the benefit of getting knowledge and how it is helpful in real life. According to them, real knowledge came from life experiences and history.

Hello, Dear Readers and followers, welcome back to my new story, I hope all’s well. Last few days I have been working on another story about religious and general perspectives on dress codes in Islam and Christianity after a sacred conversation with one of my close friend from Brazil. It's a long series of articles on different areas especially religious laws in both Islam and Christianity.

This last Sunday i had shut down my laptop and wanted to sleep but a few minutes later somehow I wanted to write about my favorite Sufi poem and I wrote and published it. Today is another of my favorite Sufi poetry of Hz. Baba Bulleh shah always hit my heart. There is much amazing Sufi poetry that has a deep meaning in its lyrics.

Let’s pay tribute to him”, who kept alive the values of Punjabi Culture through his poetry.

He is a mystic poet and is universally regarded as “The father of Punjabi enlightenment”.

Here is another favorite poem

The poetry of the Great Saint Hz Baba Bulleh Shah is not only famous in Punjab, Pakistan, but the fame also spreads far & wide, all around the world. Bulleh Shah’s poetry is always surrounded by a compelling aura of omniscience and mysticism.

I would like to share with you some amazing renditions of baba bulleh shah’s poetry…all of these are simply very beautiful and take you into a different realm of divine love.

Hope you like them.

A few of my favorite couplets are mentioned below.

Dissuade me not from the path of love
Who can hold the boats on the move?
Stupid, I joined the boatman’s squad
Your love has made me dance like mad

Going to Makkah is not the ultimate
Even if hundreds of prayers are offered

Going to River Ganges is not the ultimate
Even if hundreds of cleansing (Baptisms) are done

Going to Gaya is not the ultimate
Even if hundreds of worships are done

Bulleh Shah the ultimate is
When the “I” is removed from the heart!

I am the first, I am the last
None other, have I ever known
I am the wisest of them all
Bulleh! do I stand alone?
Bulleya! to me, I am not known

The Mullah and Qazi show me the way,
Their maze of Dharma that is in sway.
They are the confirmed thieves of time,
they spread their net saintly crime.

In my last recent post, I talked about his other poetry the pinnacle of excellence in his poetry is that he ponders over the ideas of existence, creation, origin, and stigmatization and ultimately love for the Divine and also finding solutions to social issues and conflicts in society. what is appealing in his poetry is the simplicity with which the great saint addresses complicated basic problems of life and humanity.

I hope you will enjoy and learn some amazing lessons.

Na Kar Bandeya Meri Meri ( O Human, Leave Off This Battle for Worldly Possessions):

The poetry of baba bulleh shah is deep and extremely relevant even pure magic. I am so obsessed with the tremendous poetry of Baba Bulleh Shah even Khuwaja Ghulam Fareed, Mehar Ali Shah, and other Sufi poets. I often find Baba Bulleh Shah’s poetry thought-provoking & love his rebellious ideas, which expose the hypocrisy of our society. great poets have always made people the subject of their poetry.

The theme of love in Bulleh Shah‟s poetry is not confined to love for God but he expresses love for humanity, love for Shaykh, love for the Prophet, and ultimately love for the Divine.

Sufi poetry is always peaceful and soulful which makes us inside happy and helps to find deep soul peace and change our mindset.

Today’s Post about the Sufi poem “ Na Kar Bandeya Meri Meri” is a very beautiful Spiritual poem’s poetry is so deep. This piece is beautiful. Written by Baba Bullay Shah the greatest Sufi of the subcontinent even Most people Both Muslims and Non-Muslims around the world are deeply in love with Sufi music like me. It’s so rich in its creation.

This Sufi poetry is like a prayer to humanity which had explained life, wealth, and this world. it is just meaningless and an illusion and most importantly You are connected to God when you understand the true meaning of this poetry even any other Sufi poetry.

The spiritual mind understands its meaning is so lovely that You don’t control your feelings and emotions and You don’t stop your tears coming out of your eyes Automatically. It has become your daily routine to listen to this. For a Sufi lover like me, this is the best music I have ever heard. I’ve been listening to this on loop.

The day people truly understand the meaning of this song; we will have peace and understand reality of life!

Most people believe and feel each time when they listen to it which inspires them every time they feel low. even I heard others' reaction on it that Pure Sufi lyrics, soothe their soul and makes them deliriously in contemplation. Too powerful meaning and way of describing.

Some of my friends told me that They Lost count of how many times they may have listened to this each day.

English Translation:

Check out the lyrics of Na kar bandeya meri meri by Kalaam Baba Bulleh Shah. Do listen and let me know your experience.

Pundits and mullahs have passed their entire lives in calling out god’s name
but despite endless prostrations,
they failed to find a trace of god,
it is within you that god resides,
as the Qur’an shows
bulleh shah, he who kills his own base desires is the one who finds god.
O human, leave off this battle for worldly possessions
nothing here can ever truly belong to us
o human, leave off this battle for worldly possessions
the glittering spectacle of this world only lasts a few days
and then everything turns to dust.
This world only lasts…
This world only lasts a few days
O human, leave off…
come, bulleh shah, let’s go to a place where everyone is sightless
where no one asks us about our lineage, and no one revers us
come, bulleh shah, let’s go to a place where everyone is sightless.

There are some more verses of his poetry

A mere human-made of clay
Goes around acting as if he’s as invincible as God
He’s lost himself completely to this ephemeral world
And does not ponder his relationship with his Lord
O human, leave off this battle for worldly possessions
nothing here can ever truly belong to us
o human, leave off this battle for worldly possessions
the glittering spectacle of this world only lasts a few days
and then everything turns to dust.
You’ve filled your head with mere bookish knowledge
And smugly titled yourself a grand authority
You’ve done a round of Mecca and Medina
And smugly titled yourself a holy pilgrim
You are fooled by the bright spectacle of this world
Your proud willfulness is driven by nothing but the conceit
Your never-ending religious debates failed to create a deeper understanding
You spread people into conflicting camps, but failed to spread the real knowledge
All you did was sow seeds of dissension among friends and brothers
O human, don’t get caught up in worldly matters
False intentions, deceit, and duplicity
Can never win your sincere companions
All will change if you only change yourself
Slay your own base desires
You are fooled by the bright spectacle of this world
Your proud willfulness is driven by nothing but the conceit
But your being is ephemeral
Come, follow the path of Love!
I’ve seen the sun that rises also set
I’ve seen the flickering lamp blaze anew
The orphans who have no one left in this world
I’ve seen them also find the means to flourish
People say that success is beyond the reach
But I have seen the impossible become possible
You can gobble up pearls, diamonds, and all the riches of the world
You can construct grand mansions and adorn them beautifully
But true happiness is something difficult to buy
So spend your nights in solitary vigil, weeping for your Lord’s forgiveness
Those who live by dishonest means don’t hesitate to harm even their loved ones
God in His infinite power is privy to all our secrets
A mere human-made of clay
Goes around acting…

MashAllah is absolutely heart-touching and soul-touching poetry of Baba Bulleh Shah, such an overwhelming feeling. He knew it then, we need to become aware of it now. You have to listen to it several times to let it grow on you, and once that is done.

He clears us what is life what is our responsibility what is our goals all is temporary. meri meri na kar bandeya, your life wastes away as u cry mine! the pool of the water dries up, nothing is yours!

Life, when it was there, was a series of happiness and sadness(nothing more to it). The end of this human life ( earth) is integrated or reduced to earth the end. The poet warns the Man not to be materialistic because the assets and things are not for anybody to keep forever. As this life is like a temporary funfair and after a few days everything is a heap of Earth ( He refers to the end by comparing it to the mound on top of the Muslim grave.

The poet urges mankind to adopt the straight path in life and be true to himself (Do not betray his soul and abstain from wrongdoings). He reminds us that one is just earth/soil in the end and so is Self. And so one must stay humble and not indulge in class/caste/status etc.

In the end, the poet emphasizes his point by saying that the only One who holds an elevated/superior position is only God. And rest of everything is meaningless or as humble as the earth/soil.

The mortal and transitory’ status of human life, he starts by commenting on a grave being dug. He addresses himself by saying, looks Farid the soil/Earth has been opened by digging out earth/soil. The human body (soon to be soil without life) has been laid and covered by yet.

Final Thoughts:

When Punjabi Mystical Poetry is articulated, the name of Bulleh Shah cannot be left behind. Bulleh Shah was not only a good writer of very good Punjabi Sufi lyrics but also was a great philosopher about social and personal life and its implications and the insight he had about this temporary life. His greatness is forever as his philosophical lyrics are still sung by great singers and appreciated by all to this day.

This is just one epic rendition of Bulleh Shah’s mystic and mesmerizing poetry. Bulle Shah has left immense love and knowledge, it’s for us to pick it up. Great poetry really sums up our problem on the Subcontinent.

Sufi poetry has the ability to express things differently and this can be seen in the lyrics as well. The expression of Love however is something we have expressed so differently that some lines from Sufi poetry have become benchmarks, probably because we have grown up reading/understanding these poems. We have some of the most heartfelt amazing poems which teach us many life lessons and spread love and happiness and unite us together and solve all problems.

So some of my favorite lines from Bulleh Shah his poetry are:

“ Come, Bulleh Shah, let’s go to a place where everyone is sightless

Where no one asks us about our lineage, and no one reveres us…”

Superb verses, born out of Baba Bulleh Shah’s shining wisdom…

Learning makes you Sheikh or his minion
And thus you create problem trillion
You exploit oyhers who know not what
Misleading them with wild opinion

The day I learn the lesson of Love

I was scared of the mosque and dreaded fasts

I looked around and entered a temple

Where sounded many a drum-blast

Love is ever new and fresh

Tired of reading the Vedas and Quran
Kneeling and prostrating my forehead shorn
At Mathura or Mecca He does not dwell
He who has found Him, only he can tell

I have learnt a secret
A secret I’ve learnt

He is the same
From this end to that.
It’s only we
Who fuss like a brat.

It’s all in One contained.
Understand the One and forge the rest.
Shake off your ways of an apostate pest
Leading to the grave to hell and to torture
Rid your mind of dreams of disaster
This is how is the argument maintained
It’s all in One contained.

What use is it bowing one’s head?
To what avail has prostrating led?
Reading Kalma you make them laugh
Absorbing not a word while the Quran you quaff
The truth must be here and there sustained
It’s all in One contained.

Break down the Mosque, Break down the Temple,
Break everything that can be broken,
But don’t break somebody’s heart,
For in hearts does God reside.

You read to become all knowledgeable
But you never read yourself

You run to enter temples and mosques
But you never entered your own heart

Everyday you fight Satan
But you never fight your own conscience

You grab for a star you can control
yet fail to grasp the light in your soul

(These are only vague translations).

hopefully, we learn from these wise words for peace in our lives.

That’s all for now😊

Despite our differences on so many fronts, nature is teaching us we can live together in peace and still remain beautiful. Love is the most durable power in the world. This creative force is the most potent instrument available in mankind’s quest for peace and love among different people around the world.

I think it is my utmost responsibility to pass on these concepts of Bulleh Shah and other great Sufi poets etc. as it is to the Other and next generation.

It is not acquaintance that I dread,
but the indifference to which it may lead.

Bulleh Shah

Sung by renowned artists, it gained international acclaim not only for its compelling lyrics but also for the multitude of enchanting and transcending compositions that superimposed the central message.

I believe these points will help.

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I write to keep you thinking and to keep me thankful and reflective and until next time, keep reflecting.

Thank you for reading!

Finally, I pray to Allah to benefit those who read this article and others, grant me truthfulness in what I say and do, preserve my thoughts and my pen from deviation and guide me in all my affairs.

And all praise and thanks are due to Allah, without Whose help and guidance nothing can be accomplished. May Allah bless you with happiness, success, guidance, health, and knowledge. May Almighty Allah give us the strength to follow the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and make us part of the group who is among the most righteous! Ameen.

Be patient with yourself. And Keep learning!!

Yeah, don’t forget to follow me for more amazing content. Happy Reading!!!

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Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid

"Versatile Wordsmith | IT Solutions Strategist | Motorcycle Voyager | Multilingual Enthusiast". I’m so deep even the ocean gets jealous