Simple Habits for Successful Research Facilitation

Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid
2 min readFeb 12, 2024


Streamlining Your Research Journey with Proactive Habits

Embarking on a research session can be nerve-wracking, regardless of how many times you’ve done it. After five years of moderating one-to-one research, I’ve honed some habits that help me approach research facilitation with ease. These habits go beyond the usual Research Ops tasks and include simple practices that keep me stress-free before conducting a session.

Device Check:

The night before the research, I kickstart my routine by ensuring the device I’ll be using is up to date. I’ve learned from the frustration of encountering the ‘blue screen of death,’ which can bring everything to a standstill. Now, I make it a point to optimize and update my laptop beforehand to avoid any technical glitches during the session.

Snack Preparation:

Research days can be long, especially when dealing with multiple hour-long sessions. To avoid rushed breaks and last-minute snacks, I’ve developed a habit of preparing food and drinks in advance. This could mean having lunch ready or pre-filling cups of water in the fridge. Additionally, I’ve incorporated a 45-minute lunch break into the project schedule right from the start.

Time Management:

In the realm of research, time is crucial. To keep track of time without constantly glancing at the computer screen, I invested in a small analogue clock. This tiny timepiece allows me to gauge how much time I have left in a session, ensuring smooth transitions. Whether it’s in my bag or on my desk, the analogue clock is always ready for action.

Communication Check:

On the morning of the research, I double-check for the latest communications from my team and recruiter. Ensuring that I have scripts in order, I add the time, date, and a small tick-box to each front page. This tick serves as a visual reminder that the respondent has given consent to participate, making the process smoother and more organized.

Risk Logging:

While research sessions may sometimes encounter challenges, I’ve found that anticipating and mitigating potential risks beforehand significantly improves the overall experience. For every project, we identify potential risks and develop strategies to address them. By thoroughly analyzing each project, I can either avoid disasters or minimize their impact, making the research days more manageable.

In conclusion, preparation is key in research facilitation. While you can’t prepare for every scenario, adopting these simple habits can make even the most complex research projects more manageable. I recommend incorporating these practices early on to establish a sense of routine and familiarity, which can be grounding during busy research sessions.



Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid

"Versatile Wordsmith | IT Solutions Strategist | Motorcycle Voyager | Multilingual Enthusiast". I’m so deep even the ocean gets jealous