Religious Wisdom: The Religious Significance of Clothing

Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid
23 min readJun 5, 2022

Religious clothing is worn according to religious practice, tradition, or significance to a faith group.

Hello, Dear Readers and followers, welcome back to my new story, I hope all’s well. Clothing is one of the most personal topics to discuss even though most people are interested in knowing about different religious perspectives on dress codes. It has always been an important factor in Islam, Christianity, and other religions. It has played a major role in our lives. It is one of the basic necessities of life. It is protection and modesty.

Clothes are our first human invention and our first evaluation. It all started when Adam and Eve(PBUH) send down to earth from heaven we all knew this story from our religious beliefs.

when they send down to earth first thing they were cover their bodies with leaves and that’s how clothes were made and it becomes a huge part of our life till now. throughout our history humans used leaves, animal skins, tree branches, etc., to cover their bodies to protect themselves from weather and other things. Our body is sacred. Respect it and do not defile it in any way. Through our dress and appearance, we can show that we know how precious our body is. Then it becomes a status identity.

Read more about The Significance Virtues of Clothes here;

Religious Perspective About Clothing:

There are many different religions around the world and have different beliefs and differences. There is no single religion, whether universal or local, that does not have its own beliefs about the relationship between the body and God. An important aspect of religion that must be observed is the religious code of dress for both men and women.

Outward attire sometimes symbolizes inward realities, and in the religious sacred texts, clothing often has spiritual significance. The religious sacred texts contain many examples of clothing used to communicate different things.

Religious dress is a visible signifier of difference. The message communicated is that the wearer chooses to follow a certain set of ideological or religious principles and practices. Dress distinction’s function is to set one religious community apart from other religious communities, and They also operate within religion to distinguish hierarchies and power structures, gender distinctions, ideas of modesty, roles, mores, group identity, beliefs, and ideology.

The religious dress also alters over time, changing according to political pressure from within an institution or group, or outside political and social influences and changes in the prevailing views of morality. The dress can be used to silently express either rebellion or orthodoxy, and when religion is exported to another culture, some interesting adaptations to an original item of dress might occur. As well, missionaries have been known to enforce punitive measures on indigenes through dress.

Religion is a contested concept, one which has no universal definition
though many scholars have attempted to provide one. Most agree that
religion is an elusive and slippery term that defies inclusiveness
required of a definition that encompasses all beliefs of a religious or
spiritual nature.

The story is about how religious dress affects the wearers and their relationship to what they believe. Thus, the dress becomes an active participant in human lives. As well as the institutionalized religions that have developed doctrine and dogma over hundreds, sometimes thousands of years, more recent forms of religiosity have emerged that reflect more
mystical, magical aspects which focus on the experiential. While it is not possible to cover all religious beliefs and practices, those selected for this volume provide a wide sweep of the multitudinous ways in which people are ‘religious.

Dress is a communicator of many things (identity, beliefs, the social and
political order, individuality, group allegiance) as well as fashion
the statement, and placing the totality of dress, and the body in general, within a theoretical framework, can be approached in several ways.

Christian Perspective About Clothing:

In Christianity, Clothing has played a major role in the history of God’s interactions with humanity and is featured prominently from Genesis (3:7) to Revelation (22:14).

The first mention of clothing is in the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve sinned, their eyes were opened (Genesis 3:6–7), which means they had a new awareness that they were naked.

God pronounced judgments upon those who “uncovered the nakedness” of others improperly (Exodus 20:26; Leviticus 18:6; Isaiah 47:3).

In Scripture, nakedness is almost always associated with sexual sin and/or shame. Not only are our eternal robes significant, but God considers our earthly attire significant as well.

The accompanying shame propelled them to fashion the very first clothing — they sewed fig leaves together to try to cover their bodies. So, even from the beginning, clothing has symbolized the need to cover our sin and shame. God, in His mercy, killed an animal and made garments for Adam and Eve from the skin of the animal.

The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. (Genesis 3:21)

This act of God serves as a picture of our inability to effectively atone for our own sin. The fact that an animal had to die — blood had to be shed — in order to cover Adam and Eve’s shame is a foreshadowing of the later sacrifice of Christ. Our inability to cover our own sin necessitated God’s Son coming to earth to do for us that we cannot do for ourselves (Philippians 2:6–8; Titus 3:5).

The thing is, clothing worn in Biblical times in places mentioned in the Bible was much different than the clothes being worn today. Back in those days, people wore more cloth. In Biblical times, the clothing of men and women had little difference in many regions.

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. (1 Corinthians 6:18–20)

Basically, a Christian belief is that They should be concerned with glorifying God at every opportunity, which would include their giving a good impression of how they dress.

So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. ( Bible Corinthians 10:31)

Dressing immodestly, provocatively, or in a way designed to draw undue attention to ourselves would detract from our worship and possibly reflect badly on God’s name, leading to it being “spoken of abusively.

Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.(Titus 2:3–5)

Christians Beliefs that The Bible stresses the importance of how to dress their heart. They need to let go of the things they once idolized, putting on the garments of compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience (Colossians 3:12). If they concern themselves with this first and foremost, they will humbly and compassionately be able to discern what to wear to church every week.

And also believe that The Bible reminds them that their heavenly outfits will be the same. Because of the saving death and resurrection of Christ, pride, temptation and attention-seeking will cease to exist. Then, everyone will wear robes of purity (Revelation 7:9).

There are a few passages in the Bible that speak about attire. Let’s take a look at Timothy 2 verses 9–10. It says, “Women should dress modestly, with decency and propriety. Not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.”

“A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.
Then the Bible speaks of attire for worship. (Deuteronomy 22:5)

Another Bible verse:

But every wife who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, since it is the same as if her head were shaven. For if a wife will not cover her head, then she should cut her hair short. But since it is disgraceful for a wife to cut off her hair or shave her head, let her cover her head. For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. (1 Corinthians 11:5–10)

Islamic Perspective About Clothing:

Islam is a complete code of life, each and every aspect of religion Islam is designed by our Creator to lead happy and healthy communities by easing the path to eternal happiness in Paradise forever. In Islam, Clothes are a blessing and a favor from Allah.

Islamic clothing is interpreted as being in accordance with the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. Islam has two sources for guidance and rulings: the Quran, which is considered to be the revealed word of Allah, and the Hadith the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, who serves as a human role model and guide.

In religion, Islam Quran, and Sunnah have laid down some principles regarding the dress code of both males and females. A Muslim and a Muslimah are both required to observe the Islamic teachings both internally and externally.

Allah Almighty says in Holy Quran:

“And abstain from all sins, internal or external.” (Quran, 6: 120)

The dressing is important in Islam because one’s appearance creates certain messages in peoples’ minds when seen. Indeed, Islam does not require Muslims to wear a certain type of clothing. Allah mentions this fact in the Holy Qur’an expressing his favor for mankind.

The Allah Almighty says:

“O Children of Adam! We have sent down upon you a dress which may conceal your shameful parts and sent down feathers (or splendid garments) and the dress of piety (Taqwa) that is the best of all.” (Quran 7, Verse 26)

The first dress ever worn by a human on earth was leaves. As can be seen in the words of the glorious Qur’an:

“And when they tasted the forbidden tree, their private parts become exposed and they began to cover themselves with leaves.” (Quran, 7: 22)

Allah is mentioning in this Qur’an verse about the story of Hazrat Adam and eve that when Allah had forbidden them to go near that particular tree, they committed an act that had been forbidden by Allah; their satr (private parts) became visible. So in an act of modesty, they began to cover themselves with leaves.

In Islam; It is reported that Ibn ‘Abbaas said:

“When Allah admitted Aadam to Paradise, He clothed him with a garment of the nail, and when Adam committed the sin, Allah withdrew from him the garment and it [the garment] remained only on the tip of his nails.”

He also said:

“The original clothing of Adam was nailed like feathers are to birds, and when he disobeyed his Lord, his clothing was dropped and the nails were left (for him) as an adornment and to benefit from.”

He further said:

“The tree from which Allah forbade Adam and his wife, may Allah exalt their mention, to eat was the spikenard, and when they ate from it, their nakedness appeared and it was their nails that covered their nakedness.”

These statements were reported by Ibn ‘Abbaas Ibn Abu Haatim, ‘Abdur-Razzaq, ‘Abd ibn Humayd and Ibn Al-Munthir, and others However, this was not reported by the Prophet as far as we know. Finally, it should be noted that investigating this matter does not yield any benefit.

Why Adam and Eve covered up when their private parts were exposed:

The permissibility of each spouse to look at the ‘Awrah (parts of the body that must be covered in Islam) of the other does not mean that they would stay without clothes if their ‘Awrah is disclosed for any reason as it happened to our noble parents [Aadam and Eve], may Allah exalt their mention.

Allah Says (what means): {…their private parts became apparent to them, and they began to fasten together over themselves from the leaves of Paradise.} [Quran 7:22]

Indeed, it is inappropriate for a person to remain naked without a need even in front of a person (spouse) who is permitted to look at him/her in this condition.

Al-Qurtubi said:

“The verse is evidence that it is abominable to show the ‘Awrah and that Allah obligated them [Aadam and Eve] to cover their private parts and it is for this reason that they endeavored to cover it.”

Besides, Al-Waahidi said:

“They were stripped of their garments; so, each one of them saw the ‘Awrah of the other, so they became ashamed.”

By referring to an important aspect of Adam and Eve’s story, the attention of the people of Arabia in those days (Before Islam) was drawn to the evil influence of Satan upon their lives. Under Satan’s influence, they had begun to see dress merely as a shield of protection against the inclemencies of the weather and as a means of adornment.

The basic purpose of dressing was to cover the private parts of the body that had receded into the background. People had no inhibition about the immodest exposure of the private parts of their bodies in public. To publicly take a bath absolutely naked, to attend to the call of nature on thoroughfares, was the order of the day. To crown it all, in the course of Pilgrimage they used to circumambulate around the Ka’bah in stark nakedness. Women even surpassed men in immodesty. In their view, the performance of religious rites in complete nudity was an act of religious merit.

Immodesty, however, was not an exclusive characteristic of the people of Arabia. Many nations indulged in it in the past, and many nations continue to indulge in it even now. Hence the message embodied in these verses is not directed just to the people of Arabia. It is rather directed to all men. Mankind, which is the progeny of Adam, is warned against this particular aspect of Satanic influence on their lives. When men show indifference to God’s Guidance and turn away from the Message of the Prophets, they virtually place themselves at the mercy of Satan.

For it is Satan who makes them abandon ways that are consistent with true human nature and who leads them to immodesty in the same way he did with Adam and Eve. Were man to reflect on this, it would become quite evident that when he is deprived of the guidance of the Prophets, he cannot even appreciate, let alone fulfill, the primary requirements of his true nature.

In Quran Allah Says;

Children of Adam! Let not Satan deceive you in the manner he deceived your parents out of Paradise, pulling off from them their clothing to reveal to them their shame. He and his host surely see you from whence you do not see them. We have made Satan the guardians of those who do not believe.(Quran 7:27)

This verse brings into focus several important points. First, the need to cover oneself is not an artificial urge in man; rather it is an important dictate of human nature. Unlike animals, God did not provide man with the protective covering that He provided to animals. God rather endowed man with the natural instincts of modesty and bashfulness. Moreover, the private parts of the body are not only, related to sex, but also constitute ‘sawat’ that is, something the exposure of which is felt to be shameful. Also, God did not provide man with a natural covering in response to man’s modesty and bashfulness but has inspired in him see ( Quran 7 verse 26 which I already mentioned above)the urge to cover himself. This is in order that man might use his reason to understand the requirements of his nature, use the resources made available by God, and provide himself a dress.

Second, man instinctively knows that the moral purpose behind the use of dress takes precedence over the physical purpose. Hence the idea that man should resort to dressing in order to cover his private parts precedes the mention of dress as a means of providing protection and adornment to the human body. In this connection man is altogether different from animals, With regard to the latter, the natural covering that has been granted serves to protect them from the inclemencies of weather and also to beautify their bodies. However, that natural covering is altogether unrelated to the purpose of concealing their sexual organs. The exposure of those organs is not a matter of shame for them and hence their nature is altogether devoid of the urge to cover them. However, as men fell prey to Satanic influences, they developed a false and unhealthy notion about the function of dress. They were led to believe that the function of dress for human beings is no different from that for animals, viz., to protect them from the inclemencies of weather and to make them look attractive. As for concealing the private parts of the body, the importance of that function has been belittled. For men have been misled into believing that their private parts are, in fact, like other organs of their body. As in the case of animals, there is little need for human beings to conceal their sex organs.

Third, the Qur’an emphasizes that it is not enough for the dress to cover the private parts and to provide protection and adornment to the human body. Man’s dress ought to be the dress of piety. This means that a man’s dress ought to conceal his private parts. It should also render a man reasonably presentable — the dress being neither too shabby and cheap nor overly expensive and extravagant relative to his financial standing. Nor should dress smack of pride or hauteur, or reflect that pathological mental state in which men prefer characteristically feminine dresses and vice versa: or that the people belonging to one nation mimic people of other nations so as to resemble them, thereby becoming a living emblem of collective humiliation and abasement. The Qur’anic ideal can only be achieved by those who truly believe in the Prophets and sincerely try to follow God’s Guidance. For as soon as man decides to reject God’s Guidance, Satan assumes his patronage and by one means or another manages to lead him into error after error.

Fourth, the question of dress constitutes one of the numerous signs of God which is visible virtually throughout the world. When the facts mentioned above are carefully considered it will be quite clear why the dress is an important sign of God.

In the Next verse, Allah Says;

And when such people commit an indecent act they say: ‘We found our fathers doing that, and Allah has enjoined it on us.17 Say: ‘Surely Allah never enjoins any indecency.18 Do you say things regarding Allah that you do not know?’(Quran 7:28)

This refers to the pre-Islamic Arabian practice of circumambulating around the Ka’bah in stark nakedness. The people of those days thought that nakedness during circumambulation had been enjoined by God. The simple and succinct Qur’anic statement that ‘Allah never enjoins any, indecency’ (verse 29)stands as the overwhelming argument against many false beliefs that were entertained by the people of Arabia. For a fuller appreciation of this argument the following points should be kept in mind:

First, the people of Arabia totally stripped themselves while performing certain religious rites under the mistaken notion that it had been so enjoined. But on the other hand, they agreed that nudity was a shameful thing so that no Arab of any standing could ever approve of appearing naked in any respectable assembly or marketplace.

Second, notwithstanding their reservation about nudity, they strip and peel themselves totally while performing certain religious rites on the ground that religion was from God. Hence there was nothing objectionable about performing a religious act in a state of nakedness for God had so enjoined them regarding the performance of that rite. Here the Qur’an confronts them with a clear question: How can they believe that God could order them to do something which involves nakedness and which they know to be inherently shameful? What is implied is that God could not command them to commit indecency, and if their religion contained elements of indecency then this is positive proof of its not being from God.

In the Next verse, Allah Says;

Say to them (O Muhammad): ‘My Lord enjoins justice; and that you set your faces aright at the time of every Prayer; and that you call upon Him, exclusively dedicating your faith to Him. You shall return to Him as you were created.( Quran 7:29)

The verse seeks to suggest that God has nothing to do with their foolish rituals. So far as the religion truly prescribed by Him is concerned, its fundamental principles are the following:

First, That man should base his life on justice and righteousness. Second, That man’s worship should have the right orientation, i.e. that it should he directed to God alone and should be free of every trace of devotion to others than God, that man should reserve his absolute enthralment and bondage for the One True God alone. All these should have only one direction — the One that is truly worthy of worship.

Third, Man should invoke God alone to keep him rightly directed, to grant him help and succor, and to favor him with protection and security. This should be done provided one’s life is oriented to serving God. Invoking help from God would be ludicrous if man’s life is based on unbelief, polytheism, disobedience to God, or serving a variety of gods other than the One True God. Such a prayer would amount to asking God’s help in strengthening one in one’s rebellion against Him.

Fourth, That man should have full conviction that in the same way as God caused him to he born in the world, He will also restore him to life after death and will make him stand before Himself so as to render an account of his life.

A party He has guided to the Right Way, and for another party straying is justly its due for they have taken satans, rather than Allah, as their guardians, even though they think that they are rightly-guided. Children of Adam! Take your adornment at every time of Prayer;20 and eat and drink without going to excesses. For Allah does not like those who go to excess. (Quran 7:30-31)

The word zina which occurs in this verse refers to full and proper dress. While performing Prayer people are required not only to cover the private parts of their body but also to wear a dress that serves the two-fold purpose of covering and giving one a decent appearance.

The directive to pray in a proper and decent dress is aimed at refuting the misconception entertained by ignorant people down the ages that man should worship God either in a nude or semi-naked state or at least have a shabby and unkempt appearance while worshipping. In these verses, people are being told the opposite of this. At the time of worship, they should not only be free from all kinds of nudity and indecency but should also be in a decent dress.

God does not want to subject man to want and misery or starvation or to deprive him as such of the good things of this worldly life. On the contrary, it pleases Him that man should appear in good decent dress and enjoy the clean food provided for him by God. There is nothing sinful in that. As for sin, it consists in transgressing the bounds set by God. This transgression could be committed in both ways: by making the unlawful lawful, or by making the lawful unlawful.

In Islam, garments are not merely a matter of culture and there are certain limitations of dress for men and women. Muslims wear a wide variety of clothing, which is influenced not only by religious considerations, but also by practical, cultural, social, and political factors.

Islam has got no fixed standards of dress as dress is regulated by necessities according to geographical conditions of countries. In cold conditions, warm clothes are necessary for the protection of the body. Similarly, in hot countries, thin clothes are mostly the norm. This does not mean that we take to wearing clothes so thin, that wearing just them reaches almost nakedness, which is undoubtedly unlawful in Islam.

Covering our private parts makes us superior to other creatures of Allah. It is our honor and virtue.

Our main object of wearing clothes is covering our satr (private parts) and protection of the body from hot and cold conditions. The satr has been defined as the parts of the person which is indecent to expose. For a man, this is what consists of between the navel and the knee. It is the entire body of a female except for the palms.

Muslims are required to pay attention to their appearance, making sure that their clothing is beautiful and clean, especially when dealing with others and when performing the prayers,

“Children of Adam, wear your best clothes to every mosque.” (Holy Quran, 7:31)

Islam requires that clothing must also be loose enough to cover the body properly therefore, skin-tight and see-through clothes are not allowed in Islam. So, Muslims both men and women are required to dress modestly. However, Muslim women have special clothes which they sometimes choose to wear in order to protect their modesty. Allah has permitted people to wear nice clothes and put on a good appearance, as doing so is one aspect of remembering Allah’s blessings upon them.

“Say, ‘Who has forbidden the adornment of Allah, which He has brought forth for His servants and the good things, clean and pure, which Allah has provided for them?’ Say, ‘They are [lawful] for the believers in the present life but they shall be exclusively for them on the Day of Resurrection.’ Thus, We explain Our signs for people who understand.” (Holy Quran, 7:32)

It considers all types of clothing lawful as long as such clothing serves the required purposes without exceeding the bounds set by Islam. However, the great influence of culture and the many different modes of dress can make people forget that they must cover their bodies except for their face and hands. Muslims are required to cover their private parts with appropriate clothing.

“Children of Adam! We have sent down clothing to you to conceal your private parts.” (Holy Quran7:26)

It is also prohibited to wear clothing that involves dressing like or imitating the opposite sex, imitation of the dress traditionally worn by non-Muslims, or clothing of religious significance, such as the types of clothing or jewelry worn by monks and priests.

There is even a hadith on beauty which further emphasizes the aesthetic reasons for clothing.

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “No one who has the weight of a seed of arrogance in his heart will enter Paradise.” Someone said, “But a man loves to have beautiful clothes and shoes.”

The Prophet said, “Verily, Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty. Arrogance means rejecting the truth and looking down on people.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 91

Muslim women in particular wear particular types of clothes that exhibit their Islamic identity. But she must ensure that her clothing does not resemble that of men and vice-versa nor should the clothing resemble the peculiar dress of the disbelievers. If traditional Islamic clothes are localized, then a universal standard of Muslim clothing can emerge and be worn by Muslim women wherever they are.

Allah mention in the Qur’an:

“O Prophet (PBUH) Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw over them their cloaks (veils). That in the least so that they be recognized and not be molested.” (Quran 33, Verse 59)

In another verse Allah Says;

“And remain within you homes and do not make an exhibition (of yourselves) like the displays (of the immoral women) of former times of ignorance.”(Quran 33, Verse 33)

The Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) has given a warning against wearing transparent clothing which makes the body visible or light clothing that emphasizes or highlights the figure of the body.

He said,

“Many women are clothed but naked in reality. Such women will never enter paradise nor will they smell its fragrance.”

Even transparent and netted scarves are worn to deliberately display hair and parts of the body. Women who wear transparent or tight-fitting clothing should reflect on The Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH)’s remark that such women are in fact naked!. How shameful indeed to remain naked in this world and as a consequence, they won’t even smell the fragrance of paradise.

According to the traditional view in Sunni Islam, men must cover from their belly buttons to their knees, though they differ on whether this includes covering the navel and knees or only what is between them. Women are meanwhile traditionally been encouraged to cover most of their body except for their hands and faces.

An Arabic word strongly associated with Islamic clothing and haya which translates into English as “veil”. The veil re-emerged as a topic of conversation in thefew years when there was concern regarding potential western infiltration of Muslim practices in Islamic countries.

In modern times, some Muslims have adopted clothing based on Western traditions, while others wear modern forms of traditional Muslim dress, which over the centuries has typically included long, flowing garments.

Besides its practical advantages in the climate of the Middle East, loose-fitting clothing is also generally regarded as conforming to Islamic teachings, which stipulate those body areas that are sexual in nature must be hidden from public view.

A Muslim always protects his identity through how he looks and through how he acts. So, Every Muslim both man and woman should dress well because Allah loves beauty. As long as that beauty does not violate Allah’s boundaries and the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) guidance.

A hadith from ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may Allah blesses him), that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said,

“Allah is Beautiful, He loves beauty” [Muslim].

And dressing well itself is not considered as arrogance. A hadith from ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may Allah blesses him), that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said,

“No one who has an atom’s-weight of arrogance in his heart will enter Paradise”

A man said, “O Messenger of Allah, what if a man likes his clothes and his shoes to look good?” He PBUH said,

“Allah is Beautiful and loves beauty. Arrogance means rejecting the truth and looking down on people” ( Saheeh Muslim)

The most important points in the Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad PBUH regarding dressing are:

  1. The clothes should conceal the body adequately.
  2. They should impart dignity and good looks.
  3. They should not fail to satisfy the requirements of adequate concealment of the body.
  4. Nor should they be so ugly and clumsy that instead of enhancing beauty, they mar the wearer’s appearance.

So, dress well and be beautiful. Dressing in an Islamic way attracts a few remarks but also a great deal of respect. Allah loves that. But, don’t dress in a way to boost yourself.

Being a Muslim brings discipline, as we will want to be on our best behavior and guard at all times, to respect our Lord and religion. What all society can see are, ‘ our clothes’, which give us our identity.

Final Thoughts:

The interaction between religion, culture, and dress is fascinating. The dress can be a window into the social world, which is bound by a tacit set of rules, customs, conventions, and rituals that guide face-to-face interaction. From amongst the infinite bounties of Allah, clothes are also a great bounty and one should wear them and express thanks.

Different Prophets PBUH have continually counseled His followers to dress modestly. When you are well-groomed and modestly dressed, you invite the companionship of the Spirit and you can be a good influence on others. Your dress and grooming influence the way you and others act.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said,

“Whomsoever utters the following supplication after wearing clothes, all his past sins will be forgiven- All praises are due to Allah who clothed me with this and which He bestowed upon me without any toil and effort on my part.”

The main purpose of this discussion is to encourage true believers of Allah to act upon the divine ordinances of Allah and to be concerned about the spiritual and physical reformation of all of us. And also shared both Islamic and Christianity beliefs and views regarding clothing, you can easily know about them and most importantly I wanted to clear those misconceptions about Islam and its beliefs and rules regarding clothing. I believe these points will help.

“And Only Allah gives divine guidance and He is the True Helper.”

There are many other things that I would like to share with you in my next posts like Dress codes and religious rules and many more. Please be in touch with me here to learn more amazing content.

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I write to keep you thinking and to keep me thankful and reflective and until next time, keep reflecting.

Thank you for reading!

Finally, I pray to Allah to benefit those who read this article and others, grant me truthfulness in what I say and do, preserve my thoughts and my pen from deviation and guide me in all my affairs.

And all praise and thanks are due to Allah, without Whose help and guidance nothing can be accomplished. May Allah bless you with happiness, success, guidance, health, and knowledge. May Almighty Allah give us the strength to follow the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and make us part of the group who is among the most righteous! Ameen.

Be patient with yourself. And Keep learning!!

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Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid

"Versatile Wordsmith | IT Solutions Strategist | Motorcycle Voyager | Multilingual Enthusiast". I’m so deep even the ocean gets jealous