Life Without Love

The Courage to Pursue Love’s Fruitful Journey

Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid
1 min readMay 14, 2023
Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

Life Without Love is Like a Tree That Lacks Fruit

Life without love is like a tree that lacks fruit,

Barren, lonely, and incomplete.

For love is the essence of our being,

The heartbeat that makes life sweet.

If you have the courage to love,

You must also have the courage to pursue.

For love can sleep and fade away,

But it cannot be afraid to renew.

We think too much and feel too little,

Letting fear and doubt hold us back.

But when we open our hearts to love,

We find the strength to stay on track.

For love is not just a fleeting emotion,

But a force that shapes our destiny.

It has the power to heal our wounds,

And bring us joy and harmony.

If there is anything heavenly in the journey of earth,

It is the love that we share with each other.

For it is love that gives life its meaning,

And fills our hearts with wonder.

So let us not be afraid to love,

Or to let our hearts be free.

For life without love is like a tree without fruit,

A barren and lonely destiny.



Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid

"Versatile Wordsmith | IT Solutions Strategist | Motorcycle Voyager | Multilingual Enthusiast". I’m so deep even the ocean gets jealous