Islamic Wisdom: The Ritual of Tawaf

Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid
19 min readMay 6, 2022


The ritual of Tawaf involves walking seven times counterclockwise around the Kaaba. Upon arriving at Al-Masjid Al-Haram, pilgrims perform an arrival tawaf either as part of Umrah or as a welcome tawaf.

Every time you proceed to the house of Allah t for performing either greater or lesser pilgrimage, you’ll be required to deliver Tawaf. It is a compulsory ritual for all pilgrims aiming to perform Umrah successfully. It is a holy ritual and hence there are number of pre-requisites and duas are associated with it.

The Significance of Tawaf:

It is an important part of both the major and minor pilgrimages, or Hajj and Umrah. Tawaf (Arabic: طواف) is one of the principal rites of the pilgrimage and refers to circumambulating or walking in circles around the Kaaba in an anti-clockwise motion. Seven complete circuits, with each one starting and ending at the Hajar al-Aswad, constitute one Tawaf.

Linguistically, the word is derived from the Arabic verb Taafa (Arabic: طاف) which means “to walk around” or “to encircle something”. Its technical meaning is to perform seven anti-clockwise circuits of the Kaaba. One complete circuit of the Kaaba is known as a Shawt (Arabic: شوط).

Believers may recite various supplications and raise their hands in prayers to ALLAH SWT when performing this action. The pilgrims also recite Takbir while performing it.

The Tawaf is not just a practice of worship but also an act of devotion that brings the pilgrim closer to Allah. It demonstrates the unity of God’s believers and servants who pay a visit to His home from all over the world. As mentioned earlier, no Umrah or Hajj is complete without the performance of Tawaf. It’s important to note here that encircling the Holy Ka’abah doesn’t mean Muslims worship the Ka’abah. Instead, they worship the being that owns the Ka’abah, that is, Allah.

Let us take you through several interpretations that emphasize the importance of Tawaf:

Al-Bayt Al-Ma’mur:

You’ll be interested in knowing that pilgrims perform Tawaf in tandem with the angels that circumambulate Al-Bayt Al-Ma’mur or ‘the Flourishing House’, the heavenly counterpart of the Holy Ka’abah, all the time. This means that the angels perform Tawaf around Al-Bayt Al-Ma’mur to worship Allah just as Muslims perform Tawaf around the Holy Kaaba in Masjid-e-Haram. As you may have observed, the Tawaf around the Ka’abah is performed 24 hours similar to how the angels perform their Tawaf around Al-Bayt Al-Ma’mur round the clock. The Holy Ka’abah is a reflection of the sacred Al-Bayt Al-Ma’mur, while we as pilgrims are a reflection of the virtuous angels. Isn’t that a huge privilege for us?

The Circular Motion of the Universe:

The act of Tawaf is also a reflection of the orbiting motions of the heavenly bodies of this universe. You probably already know that the moon revolves around the earth, completing a revolution in a month, while the earth in turn revolves around the sun, completing a revolution in a year. Interestingly though, this circular motion extends well beyond our solar system. From the tiniest atoms to the largest galaxies, everything in this universe has been discovered to be revolving around a central point.

According to scientific research, the electrons inside a given atom orbit its nucleus or the core in an anti-clockwise direction. Amazingly, some atoms are so small that you can’t even see them via a microscope. Since everything is composed of atoms, every creation is in a constant orbital movement around a central point, as per the will of Allah. This is the unchanging, cosmic law of the universe. Not only has Allah created the entire universe, but He has also set up this entire system.

The act of Tawaf is a reflection of this cosmic law, with the Holy Ka’abah being the spiritual center of the world. The House of Allah is supposed to be the spiritual axis around which a Muslim’s compass rotates. Allah Ta’ala Himself regards the Holy Ka’abah as a Sacred House, serving as a symbol of the human encounter with the Supreme being. Just as all matter in this universe stays in a constant circular motion around a center, Tawaf is a continuous, 24-hour practice that doesn’t stop except for the five obligatory prayers. Like every orbit has one center, the act of Tawaf represents the worship of One God, Allah, none other than whom is worthy of worship.

Virtues of Tawaf:

In the Quran:

Tawaf and some of its rulings are mentioned in the Qur’an 2:125, and Qur’an 22:26 and also in Qur’an 22:29 . These verses imply that tawaf was an old worship common in the period of the Prophet Ibrahim (ra).

In Qur’an 2:158, running between Safa and Marwa is also called ‘tawaf’. In some other verses, tawaf cognate words is used in its literal meaning (that is, turning around something).

In Hadiths:

Many virtues have been attributed in hadiths to tawaf. Imam Ali (ra) said: “God has put 120 mercies around the Ka’ba, sixty of which are specific to people who circumambulate around it, forty for worshippers there, and twenty for those who look at the Ka’ba. The same hadith has been cited in Sunni sources as attributed to the Prophet (s). Here are other virtues of tawaf:

  • Tawaf is the ornament of the Ka’ba.
  • God is proud of those who practice the tawaf.
  • Tawaf is a covenant with God.
  • Tawaf prevents divine punishments.
  • It leads to the divine forgiveness.
  • It raises one’s spiritual degrees.
  • It is rewarded by God like the emancipation of one to 70,000 slaves.
  • It makes one’s prays be answered by God.

It is recommended for a person who visits Mecca to practice the tawaf 360 times, and if they cannot do that, then they can practice it 360 turns (shawts), and if still not possible, then they are recommended to practice it as many times as they can do while they are in Mecca.

According to some hadiths, tawaf consists of seven turns because, in the story of the Prophet Adam (ra), angels had to ask for divine forgiveness and worshipped for 7,000 years. So each shawt is equivalent to 1000 years.

There are 445 hadiths in Wasa’il al-shi’a regarding the details of the rulings of tawaf.

Historical Background:

Tawaf traces back to the period of the Prophet Adam (a). When he was banished from the heaven, he went to the Ka’ba and circumambulated around it just as angels circumambulate around the Divine Throne (‘Arsh). Tawaf was a tradition throughout the history and was an essential part of hajj. Even in the age of Jahiliyya before the emergence of Islam, people who entered Mecca or wanted to depart from Mecca, the first thing they did was the tawaf of the Ka’ba. They took it to be the most important way to become close to God. In that period, there was no specific time and place for tawaf; they went to a temple with idol inside, and circumambulated around it seven times: poor people did this with naked foot, and rich people did it with shoes on.

Naked Tawaf:

During the age of Jahiliyya, some people practiced naked tawaf around the Ka’ba. Different reasons have been suggested for this practice in historical sources:

  • They intended not to circumambulate around the Ka’ba with clothes in which they committed sins.
  • Clothes were in the possession of Quraysh. If one did not buy clothes from them, they had to circumambulate nakedly.
  • If a person went to hajj or ‘umra, they had to practice their first tawaf with clothes they borrowed from Hums. They had to throw away any other clothes, and if they did not want to lose their clothes, they had to circumambulate around the Ka’ba nakedly. It was known as Naked Tawaf.
  • There is a hadith from Imam al-Sadiq (a) according to which if someone practiced the tawaf in their own clothes in the period of Jahiliyya, then they had to give it away as sadaqa. So they had to borrow clothes for tawaf, and if they could not find anything, they, including women, had to practice the tawaf nakedly.

The Significance of Do Tawaf 7 Times:

Tawaf is an act of worship and regardless of the type of worship we perform, we do not ask why there are to be performed in a certain fashion. We simply perform them because God commanded us and in a way prescribed and taught by the Holy Prophet s.

We believe that Allah Ta’ala possesses infinite wisdom, which is why He never orders anything unwise, but we don’t necessarily need to know the science behind every command. For certain practices, Allah Ta’ala has disclosed the cause; for others, He hasn’t. And we’re expected to obey every command, without getting into the roots. For example, it’s obligatory to pray five times a day and fast for 30 days during the month of Ramadan. Why we need to perform them isn’t important.

Having said that, the purpose of Tawaf is to represent the notion that our lives should revolve around remembering and staying obedient to Allah Ta’ala. By performing Tawaf, we reinforce the centrality of the spiritual focus that we face while performing the daily prayers.

The practice of Tawaf also connects us with the tradition of one of Allah’s most beloved Prophets, Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) e. He, along with his son, Prophet Ismail e, took part in the reconstruction of the Holy Ka’abah. Right after the completion of Tawaf, pilgrims head to Maqam-e-Ibrahim (the station of Abraham) and perform Salah there.

While these are some identified causes for the performance of Tawaf, there the reason for the frequency ‘seven’ remains unknown. We follow that frequency in obedience to the commands of Allah Ta’ala and the practice of the Holy Prophet s.

Types of Tawaf:

It should be remembered that there are several different types of tawaf, each designed for its specific purpose. For this reason, the Niyyah for the specific kind should always be made at the start.

Tawaful Qudum: Tawaf performed upon entering Masjid-ul-Haram in the state of Ihram by those performing Hajj al-Qiran or Hajj al-Ifrad.

Tawafuz Ziyarah: Also known as Tawaf al-Ifadhah, it is the Tawaf that is performed between the dawn of 10th Dhul Hijjah to the sunset of 12th Dhul Hijjah, after leaving the state of Ihram and just before returning to Mina to perform Rami al-Jamarat. If it is delayed, Dam becomes Wajib.

Tawaful Wada: Also known as Tawafus Sadr, Tawaf el Wida (Farewell) is the farewell tawaf performed at the end of the Hajj.

Tawaful Umrah: This is mandatory for Umrah.

Tawaful Nadhr: It is mandatory when a person has made a vow to Allah to do it.

Tawaful Tahiyya: : It is not mandatory for a person but recommended to perform when he enters into Masjid-ul-Haram. If any other tawaf is performed, it becomes its substitute.

Tawafun Nafl: Can be performed any time. If you want to know how to perform nafl tawaf, it is similar to other tawaf. Pilgrims just have to form the intention (niyyah) of performing nafl tawaf.

Idtiba and Raml:

If you are performing Tawaf al-Umrah outside of the Hajj season or as part of Hajj al-Tamattu, or Tawaf al-Qudum as part of Hajj al-Qiran or Hajj al-Ifrad, it is Sunnah to perform Idtiba and Raml during Tawaf. In other words, if the Tawaf you’re performing is followed by Sa’i, Idtiba and Raml should be observed. This practice only applies to male pilgrims.


Idtiba refers to the practice of uncovering the right shoulder during Tawaf. To do so, pass the top sheet of your Ihram (Rida) under your right armpit, allowing it to hang from your left shoulder. Your right shoulder will be uncovered for the duration of the Tawaf. The Prophet ﷺ performed Idtiba during the Hajjat al-Wida, as reported by Ya’la ibn Umayyah I:

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ went round the House (the Kaaba) wearing a green Yamani mantle under his right armpit with the end over his left shoulder.


Raml refers to the practice of walking quickly (not running or jogging), lifting the legs forcefully and sticking out the chest while moving the shoulders, so as to imitate a warrior. It is a Sunnah to perform this for the first three rounds, before returning to normal walking pace for the final four rounds. The practice originated in the seventh year of Hijri when the Prophet ﷺ and his companions came to Makkah to perform Umrah. Abdullah ibn Abbas I narrates:

When Allah’s Messenger ﷺ and his companions came to Makkah, the pagans circulated the news that a group of people were coming to them and they had been weakened by the Fever of Yathrib (Madinah). So the Prophet ordered his companions to do Raml in the first three rounds of Tawaf and to walk between the two corners (Hajar al-Aswad and Rukn al-Yamani). The Prophet ﷺ did not order them to do Raml in all the rounds of Tawaf out of pity for them.

Performing Raml may be difficult to perform because of crowding. If this is the case, walk as quickly as you can while moving in the manner described above, or stop and look for gaps in order to perform Raml properly.

If you forget to make Raml in the first circuit and remember in the second, you may observe it in the second and third circuits. It is Makruh to make Raml from the fourth circuit onward, so it shouldn’t be performed in the latter rounds if it is neglected in any of the first three.

Remember, although its performance is certainly virtuous, Raml isn’t obligatory. Therefore, if you feel you may cause harm to others by performing Raml, or you’re unable to carry it out due to old age or illness, don’t observe the practice.

Rules of Tawaf

Tawaf is similar to the ritual prayer in terms of prerequisites, although excessive movement and talking are acceptable during its observance. Abdullah ibn Abbas I narrates:

The Prophetﷺ said: ‘Tawaf around the House is similar to Salah except that you may talk during it. So whoever talks in it, then talk only good.’

While performing Tawaf, it is important to follow the below rules:

  • One should be in Wudu state during Tawaf.
  • Also, it is important to perform Niyyah for Tawaf.
  • Pilgrims should start the Tawaf from the black stone.
  • Pilgrims must complete circumambulating around the holy Kabba seven times in a counter-clockwise direction.
  • Pilgrims should perform Vitr prayer during Tawaf by leaving the circumambulation.
  • Once Vitr prayer is offered, pilgrims should return to the performing Tawaf.
  • Pilgrims should try to kiss the black stone. If one cannot do so due to the crowd, they can touch the stone and kiss the hand for the blessings.
  • Further, one can also point in the direction of black stone if unable to reach the stone and say, ‘Allahu Akbar’.

Perform Tawaf During Pilgrimage:

As a single, Tawaf is walking seven times around Kabbah in the anti-clockwise direction. A pilgrim is free to do as many Tawaf as he/she wishes to do before proceeding for Sa’i (walking between the hills Safa and Marwah as a ritual in Umrah). It is believed that a person can perform Umrah on behalf of another person who is either dead or is not present in Makkah at the present.

  • The first thing to do in Tawaf is to make Wazu (ablution). Wazu can be done on the premises of Holy Kabbah or can be done from the place one is staying at.
  • For Tawaf, the prescribed attire for all pilgrims is called Ihram. It should be pure and it should cover your satar (the parts of body that should be covered according to Islam). Ihram for men should consist of two unstitched white cloths wrapped around the body. Whereas Ihram for women consists of simple clothing which covers the satar and a hijab (veil). Women are not allowed to cover their faces.
  • Then the pilgrim should enter the Mataaf, or the area in which pilgrims perform Tawaf in Makkah; it is the surrounding area of Kabbah.
  • Pilgrims should perform Niyat (intention) in front of Hajre-Aswad, a black-coloured stone sent from heaven to Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) while he was building Kabbah. It is placed in the eastern corner of Kabbah.
  • After performing the Niyat, one should face Hajre-Aswad and recite Takbir (Allahu-Akbar) and kiss the stone.
  • Then he/she should start walking in the anti-clockwise direction around the Kabbah. An individual should complete seven rounds on foot in this manner. The Tawaf must be completed in one go and the pilgrim should not leave until all seven rounds are completed.
  • Once the seven rounds are completed, the pilgrims must stand in Al-Masjid Al-Haram and pray two rakats.
  • After that, they must drink water from the Zamzam while reciting the dua.

Best time for Tawaf:

There is no best time for Tawaf, specified anywhere however there are some suggested times that allow one to complete the circumambulations in peace. This is specifically around the sunrise, a little after Zuhr prayer. Especially if you are with senior citizens and children, this is the time when the heat is bearable and the mataaf is relatively less crowded.

Tawaf Dua :

There is no obligation on duas to recite during Tawaf. One can read the verses from the holy Quran, take the name of Allah or can recite personal duas in any language. However, there are some recommended duas one should know about while circling around the holy Kaaba. These duas are mentioned below:

1) Dua for the first turn:

“Allahumma as’aluka bi ismikal ladhi yumshi bihi ‘ala talilil mai kala yumshi bihi ‘ala judadil ardhi; as’aluka bi ismikal ladhi yahtazzu lahu ‘arshuka; wa asaluka bi ismikal ladhi tahtazzu lahu ‘arshuka; wa as’aluka bi ismikal ladhi tahtazzu lahu aqdamu mala’ikatika; wa asaluka bi ismikal ladhi da‘aka bihi Musa min janibit tūril ayman, fastajabta lahu walqayta ‘alayhi muhabbatan minka; wa as’aluka bi ismikal ladhi ghafarta bihi li Muhammadin la taqaddama min dhanbihi wa ma ta’akkhara wa atmamta ‘alayhi ni‘matuka — an tarzuqani khayrad dinya wal akhirah.”

“O Allah! I call on Thee by They name, by which it is walked on the waves of the seas as it is walked on the roads of the land, And I call on Thee by Thy name, for which Thy throne shakes, And I call on Thee by They name, for which the feet of Thy angels tremble, And I call on Thee by Thy name by which Moses prayed to thee from the side of the Mountain (of Toor) and Thou accepted his prayer and conferred Thy love on him, And I call on Thee by Thy name by which Thou pardoned Muhammad, peace be upon him and his household, all his previous and future sins, and completed all thine blessings for him To provide me with the best of this world and the hereafter.”

2) Dua for the second turn:

“Allahumma inni ilayka faqirun wa inni kha’ifun mustajirun, fa la tughayyir jismi wa la tubaddil ismi; Sa’iluka faqiruka miskinuka bi babika; fa tasaddaq ‘alayha bil jannah; Allahumma, al-baytu baytuk, wal haramu haramuk, wal ‘abdu ‘abduk, wa hadha maqamul ‘a’idhu bikal mustajiru bika minan nar, fa a‘tiqni wa walidayya wa ahlii wa wuldi, ikhwaniyal mu’minin minan nar, ya jawadu ya karim.”

“O Allah! I am Thy dependent servant, and I am fearful and take refuge in Thee; so do not alter my body nor change my name. I am your beggar, your poor destitute servant at your gate; so grant me mercifully your paradise. O Allah! The House is Thy House, and the sanctuary is Thy sanctuary, and the servant is Thy servant, and this is the station of him who turns to Thee and takes refuge with Thee from Fire; so save me and my parents, my children and my faithful brethren from Fire, for Thou art the Generous, the Gracious.”

3) Dua for the third turn:

“Allahumma adkhilniyil jannah wa ajirni minan nar bi rahmatika, wa ‘afiniy minas suqmi wa awsi‘ ‘alayya minar rizqil halal, wadra’ ‘anni sharra fasaqatil jinni wal insi, wa sharra fasaqatil ‘arab wal ‘ajam; Ya dhal manni wat tawli; ya dhal jūdi wal karam; inna ‘amali dha‘ifun fa dha‘ifhu li; wa taqabbilhu minni; innaka antas sami‘ul ‘alim.”

“O Allah! Grant me the paradise by Thy mercy, and give me refuge from Fire by Thy mercy, and heal me from disease, and enlarge Thy lawful bounty for me, and keep me safe from the evil of the dissolute among the genies and men and the evil of the Arabs and non-Arabs. O Thou bountiful, mighty and munificent! My deed is little, so multiply it, and accept it from me; verily Thou art the All-hearing, the All-knowing.”

4) Dua for the fourth turn:

“Ya Allahu, ya waliyyal ‘afiyah wa khaliqal ‘afiyah wa raziqal ‘afiyah wal mun‘imu bil ‘afiyah wal mutafaddilu bil ‘afiyah ‘alayya wa ‘ala jami‘i khalqika, ya Rahmanad dinya wal akhirah wa Rahimahuma, salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa Al-I Muhammad war-zuqnal ‘afiyah wa tamamal ‘afiyah wa shural ‘afiyah fid dinya wal akhirah. Ya arhamar rahimin.”

“O Allah! The owner of well-being, the creator of well-being, the bestower of well-being, the granter of well-being, and the conferrer of well-being on me and on all Thy creatures, O, Thou the merciful of this world and the hereafter and their compassionate God, Bless Muhammad and his household, and bestow on us well-being, full well-being, and thanks giving on wellbeing in this world and the hereafter, by Thy mercy, O Thou most merciful.”

5) Dua for the fifth turn:

“Allahumma atina fid dunya hasanatan wa fil akhirati hasanatan wa qina ‘adhaban nar.”

“O our Lord, Grant us Thy blessing in this world and Thy blessing in the other world, and save us from the pain of Fire.”

6) Dua for the sixth turn:

“Allahummal baytu baytuka, wal ‘abdu ‘abduka, wa hadha maqamul ‘a’idhi bika minan nar. Allahumma min qablikar rūhu wal faraju wal ‘afiyah. Allahumma inna ‘amali dha‘ifun, fa dha‘ifhu li; waghfir li mat-tala‘ta ‘alayhi minni wa khafiya ‘ala khalqika; astajiru billahi minan nar.”

“O Allah! The House is Thy House, and this is the station of him who takes refuge with Thee from Fire. O Allah! All blessing, relief and well-being come from Thee. O Allah! My deed is little, so multiply it for me, and forgive all that Thou knowest of me but has been hidden from Thy creatures. I take refuge with Allah from Fire.”

7) Dua for the seventh turn:

“Allahumma ‘indi afwajan min dhunūb wa afwajan min khataya; wa ‘indaka afwajun min rahmatin wa afwajun min maghfirati; ya manis-tajaba li-abghadhi khalqihi idh qala andhirni ila yawmi yub‘athūna, istajib li. Allahumma qanni‘ni bima razaq-tani, wa barik li fima ataytani.”

“O, Allah! I bear crowds of sins and crowds of faults, and with these are crowds of blessing and crowds of forgiveness. O Thou Who granted the request of Thy most hated creatures when he said “give me respite until the day they are resurrected,” grant me my request. When he said,” Give me time to the day of resurrection, accept from me. O, Allah! Make me content with what you have provided me with, and bless me with what you have given me.”

Things to avoid during Tawaf

During Tawaf in Makkah, several things are considered Makruh (disliked or offensive) and hence must be avoided. They are as follows:-

  • Discussing petty and worldly affairs during Tawaf is not allowed.
  • Trading of products whether selling or buying is not allowed while a person is performing Tawaf in Makkah.
  • In case one gets a phone call while in Tawaf, they are obliged to receive it and answer the person on the phone. However their conversation can not contain earthly matters or trade-related matters as it may be considered as Makruh. It is advisable to switch off your phones while in Tawaf.
  • Do not pray or recite the Quran in a loud voice as it can disturb other people performing Tawaf.
  • Wearing impure clothes while performing Tawaf is not advisable. Pilgrims must wear Ihram, which are plain white clothes (also unstitched for men) sans any colour, perfume or deodorant.
  • To continue Tawaf while Namaz or Khutba (Preaching/Bayan) is ongoing in Kabbah is not allowed.
  • Performing Tawaf while being hungry or angry is not advisable. Tawaf should be done with a peaceful and calm mind remembering Allah.


There is disagreement among scholars of jurisprudence about the confines of the tawaf. Some people take it to be cloaser than Maqam Ibrahim to Ka’ba, which is thirteen meters radius from the Ka’ba, and some take it to include the whole area of al-Masjid al-Haram. Hijr Isma’il is outside of the confines of tawaf so people should circumambulate around it, not through it.

According to the former view, the confine of the tawaf around Hijr Isma’il is about three meters. When there is too much population for tawaf and it is difficult to practice it in this limited area, these scholars require that the shortest distance be observed.

Final Thoughts:

Tawaf Umrah and Hajj are similar in most ways. It basically refers to the act of circumambulating the Holy Ka’abah in Masjid al-Haram in reverence to God. The importance of Tawaf can be judged by the fact that it connects you with Allah, reflects every orbiting matter in this universe, forms a necessary step in greater and lesser pilgrimage, and more and also it symbolizes unity and equality as people from every corner of the world come together in one place irrespective of their status.

It emphasizes spending time in worship of Allah and blossoming as a new personality at the end of Hajj or Umrah.

Read more about Tawaf here:

It is the duty of all pilgrims to pay careful attention to the detailed requirements of the rituals. And gaining a thorough understanding of the tawaf during Hajj is an important step that must be encouraged.

May Allah give us the strength, the power, the courage and the effort to do our best to obey Allah and follow His teachings. May Allah guide us and strengthen our Iman. We pray that Allah help us live another year with sincerity and devotion.

May Allah make us realize that one year of our life is over and we are one year closer to our graves. Let us wake up and do our best to please Allah in our daily life.

Let us ask Allah for forgiveness.

Finally, I pray to Allah to benefit those who read this article and others, grant me truthfulness in what I say and do, preserve my thoughts and my pen from deviation and guide me in all my affairs.

And all praise and thanks are due to Allah, without Whose help and guidance nothing can be accomplished. May Allah bless you with happiness, success, guidance, health, and knowledge. May Almighty Allah give us the strength to follow the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and make us part of the group who is among the most righteous! Ameen.

Be patient with yourself. And Keep learning!!

Always start your day by renewing your intention that everything you do for yourself and your community, whether it be your acts of worship or daily chores. It all has to be merely for the sake of Allah (SWT) and also, I ask Allah (SWT) to make my work dedicated only to him and forgiveness from Allah (SWT), if I have got anything wrong. It is He who is the Hearing, the knowing.

I will be calmer, I will spread love as long as I can, I will live a spiritual life, I will do what I please no matter what and I will prove my theories.

Yeah, don’t forget to follow me for more amazing content. Happy Reading!!!

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May Allah bless you all



Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid
Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid

Written by Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid

"Versatile Wordsmith | IT Solutions Strategist | Motorcycle Voyager | Multilingual Enthusiast". I’m so deep even the ocean gets jealous

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