Islamic Wisdom: The Importance of Niyyah ( Intention) in Islam

Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid
21 min readApr 26, 2023


The concept of intentions, or “niyyah” in Arabic, holds a significant place in the Islamic faith. In fact, intentions are considered the starting point of any action in Islam, and they play a crucial role in determining the moral value and reward of an action.

In a previous article, we explored the concept of intentions and their significant role in our daily lives. We discovered that intentions are the starting point of any action and that our intentions can shape the outcomes we desire. Moreover, we learned that setting clear and sincere intentions can help us achieve our goals and live fulfilling lives.

One way to achieve our goals is by setting intentions that align with our values and beliefs. For instance, if we want to build a successful career, we need to set clear intentions and take consistent action toward our goals. This could mean setting aside time to learn new skills, networking with people in our industry, or working hard to meet deadlines. By aligning our intentions with our values, we can stay motivated and focused on achieving our goals.

Another way to achieve our goals is by visualizing our desired outcomes. This involves imagining the end result of our actions and believing that it is possible to achieve. When we set a clear intention and visualize our desired outcome, we send a powerful message to our subconscious mind that we are committed to our goals. This can help us stay motivated and overcome obstacles that may arise along the way.

In conclusion, setting clear and sincere intentions is a powerful tool that can help us achieve our goals and live fulfilling lives. By aligning our intentions with our values and visualizing our desired outcomes, we can stay motivated and focused on our goals. Whether we are striving to build a successful career, develop meaningful relationships, or simply live a happy and healthy life, setting clear intentions can help us get there.

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The concept of intentions, or “niyyah” in Arabic, holds a significant place in the Islamic faith. In fact, intentions are considered the starting point of any action in Islam, and they play a crucial role in determining the moral value and reward of an action. Muslims are encouraged to be mindful of their intentions in all their actions, whether they be acts of worship or daily tasks, as it is believed that a clear and sincere intention increases the sincerity and reward of the action. In this article, we will explore the Islamic perspective on intentions or niyyah, examining the importance of intentions in Islamic faith and practice, and how they relate to one’s faith and moral character.

The concept of intentions in Islam:

In Islam, intentions hold a significant place in the practice of religion and all other aspects of life. Muslims are encouraged to be mindful of their intentions in all their actions and to strive towards performing good deeds with pure intentions.

The concept of intention, or “niyyah” in Arabic, is considered the starting point of any action. The concept of intention is mentioned throughout the Quran, where Allah (God) emphasizes the importance of having pure and sincere intentions in one’s actions. For example, in Surah Al-Muddathir, Allah says, “And not for anyone else does he spend of his wealth, but only seeking the face of his Lord, the Most High” (Quran 92:20), highlighting the importance of having the intention to seek Allah’s pleasure in one’s actions.

Similarly, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of intention in many of his teachings and actions. He once said, “Actions are judged by intentions, so each man will have what he intended. Thus, he whose migration (hijrah) was to Allah and His Messenger, his migration is to Allah and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain, or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated” (Bukhari and Muslim).

This hadith emphasizes that the intention behind an action is what truly matters, and that actions are only rewarded if they are done with the intention of pleasing Allah.

Islam teaches that intentions play a crucial role in determining the moral value and reward of an action. A good deed performed with pure and sincere intention is considered more valuable in the sight of Allah than a deed done with a selfish or insincere intention. Similarly, a wrong action committed with an evil intention is considered more sinful than an action done unintentionally or with a good intention.

Muslims are encouraged to make their intentions clear to themselves and to Allah before performing any action, whether it be an act of worship or a worldly task. It is believed that a clear and sincere intention increases the sincerity and reward of the action.

Furthermore, Islam teaches that intentions should not only be limited to actions but also to thoughts and beliefs. Muslims are encouraged to maintain pure and positive intentions in their thoughts and beliefs, as they are considered the foundation of one’s faith.

Overall, the concept of intentions is highly valued in Islam, and Muslims are encouraged to strive towards performing all their actions with pure and sincere intentions, seeking the pleasure of Allah and the betterment of themselves and others.

Allah Knows What Inside in Our Heart

In Islam, intention (niyyah) is of great importance as it is the foundation of one’s actions and deeds. Allah knows the true intention of every individual and judges them accordingly. It is believed that Allah is all-knowing and all-seeing. He knows the secrets of the heart and the intentions of every individual. The concept of Allah knowing what is inside our hearts is mentioned numerous times in the Quran and is emphasized in the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

One of the most famous verses in the Quran that speaks about Allah’s knowledge of our innermost thoughts and intentions is found in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 235: “And do not take an oath by Allah except in truth and do not mix the truth with falsehood, and do not conceal the truth while you know.” This verse warns against taking oaths by Allah falsely and concealing the truth while knowing it. This implies that Allah knows the truth, including our intentions and actions, even if we try to hide them.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also emphasized the importance of intentions in various Hadiths (narrations) that were recorded by his companions. For example, he said, “Verily actions are by intentions, and for every person is what he intended” (Sahih Al-Bukhari). This Hadith stresses the importance of pure intentions and reminds us that the value of our actions is based on our intentions.

Another Hadith narrated by Umar ibn Al-Khattab states, “The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended” (Sahih Al-Bukhari). This Hadith emphasizes that the quality of our deeds is based on the purity of our intentions and that we will be rewarded according to our intentions.

Therefore, in Islam, it is believed that Allah knows what is inside our hearts and that our intentions play a crucial role in determining the value of our actions. It is essential for Muslims to strive to have pure and sincere intentions in all their actions, seeking Allah’s pleasure and reward in the Hereafter.

The Importance of Intentions in Islamic Faith and Practice

Intentions, or niyyah, hold great significance in the Islamic faith and practice. In Islam, intentions are the starting point of any action and are considered a vital component of worship, both in daily life and during religious rituals.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of intentions in a hadith (saying) when he said, “Actions are judged by their intentions, and everyone will be rewarded according to their intentions.” This highlights the importance of setting pure and sincere intentions before performing any action, as the rewards or consequences of those actions are dependent on the intentions behind them.

In Islamic prayer or salah, intentions are crucial. Before beginning prayer, a person must make a niyyah or intention to perform the specific prayer that is being offered. The niyyah must be made in the heart and is not required to be spoken aloud. Without a proper intention, the prayer is considered invalid.

Similarly, in other acts of worship such as fasting during the month of Ramadan, giving to charity, or performing the Hajj pilgrimage, the intention is essential. These acts of worship are not just physical actions, but rather spiritual acts that require sincere intentions to gain rewards from Allah (SWT).

In daily life, Muslims are encouraged to have pure and sincere intentions in all their actions. Whether it’s performing acts of kindness, fulfilling obligations towards family and society, or seeking knowledge, a Muslim’s intention should always be to please Allah (SWT) and seek His reward.

Intentions hold great significance in the Islamic faith and practice. Muslims are encouraged to have pure and sincere intentions in all their actions, as the rewards and consequences of those actions are dependent on the intentions behind them. By setting our intentions to please Allah (SWT), we can lead a purposeful life that is aligned with our faith and values.

The Relationship between Intentions and Actions in Islam

In the Islamic faith, the relationship between intentions and actions is crucial. Intentions, or niyyah, are the foundation upon which all actions are built, and they play a vital role in determining the rewards or consequences of those actions.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Verily, actions are judged by intentions, and for every person is what he intended. So whoever emigrated to Allah and His Messenger, then his emigration was for Allah and His Messenger. And whoever emigrated to attain some worldly benefit or to take a woman in marriage, then his emigration was for that which he emigrated for.” This highlights the importance of setting pure and sincere intentions in all actions, as the intentions behind them are what truly matter.

In Islam, good intentions are not enough on their own. It is the actions that follow those intentions that ultimately determine their value. A person must strive to act upon their intentions, as Allah (SWT) rewards not just for the intention, but also for the action itself.

For example, if a person intends to give to charity but does not follow through with the action, they will not be rewarded for their intention alone. However, if they set a pure intention to give to charity and then act upon it, they will be rewarded for both their intention and action.

Similarly, if a person intends to pray but does not follow through with the action, they will not be rewarded. But if they set a pure intention to pray and then act upon it, they will be rewarded for both their intention and action.

In Islam, the intention must precede the action. This means that a person must set a pure intention before performing any action, as the intention is what determines the value of the action. If the intention is not pure, the action will not be rewarded, even if it appears to be good on the surface.

The relationship between intentions and actions in Islam is intertwined. Pure intentions are the foundation upon which all actions are built, but it is the actions that ultimately determine their value. Muslims are encouraged to set pure intentions in all their actions and to follow through with those actions, as it is only through both pure intentions and actions that they can earn the rewards of Allah (SWT).

The Moral Value and Reward of Actions Based on Intentions in Islam

In Islam, intentions hold great importance as they are considered the starting point of any action. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Actions are judged by intentions, and every person will be rewarded according to their intention” (Sahih Bukhari, Muslim).

This means that the morality and reward of an action in Islam is not solely based on the outward appearance of the action, but also on the intention behind it. If the intention behind an action is pure and sincere, then the action itself will hold moral value and the doer will be rewarded for it.

On the other hand, if the intention behind an action is impure or insincere, then the action will lose its moral value and the doer will not be rewarded for it. This is why it is important for Muslims to constantly check their intentions and ensure that they are doing things for the sake of pleasing Allah (SWT) and not for worldly gains or personal motives.

Additionally, the moral value of an action in Islam is also determined by the impact it has on others. If an action is done with the intention of benefiting others and improving their well-being, then it holds greater moral value than an action done solely for personal gain.

The Islamic faith places great emphasis on intentions and considers them the foundation of any action. Muslims are encouraged to constantly check their intentions and ensure that they are pure and sincere, as it is these intentions that determine the moral value and reward of their actions.

The Role of Intentions in Acts of Worship in Islam

In Islam, intentions play a crucial role in acts of worship. Muslims are required to have a clear and sincere intention before performing any act of worship, whether it be performing prayers, fasting, giving charity, or performing Hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca.

The intention in acts of worship is considered to be the starting point and the foundation of the entire act. Without a proper intention, the act itself is considered invalid and holds no value. This is why Muslims are encouraged to constantly check their intentions before performing any act of worship to ensure that it is done purely for the sake of Allah (SWT) and not for any worldly gains or personal motives.

The intention in acts of worship also helps to differentiate between acts that are considered worship and those that are not. For example, eating food is not considered an act of worship in Islam, but if a person intends to eat in order to gain strength to perform acts of worship, such as praying or fasting, then the act of eating becomes a form of worship.

The intention in acts of worship is also closely linked to sincerity (ikhlas) in Islam. Muslims are encouraged to perform acts of worship purely for the sake of Allah (SWT) and not for any personal gain or recognition. This is why the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended” (Sahih Bukhari, Muslim).

Intentions play a crucial role in acts of worship in Islam. Muslims are required to have a clear and sincere intention before performing any act of worship, as it is the foundation of the entire act and determines its value and reward. By constantly checking their intentions and striving for sincerity, Muslims are able to deepen their connection with Allah (SWT) and increase the value and reward of their acts of worship.

The Significance of Pure and Sincere Intentions in Islam

In Islam, the concept of intentions, known as niyyah, holds great significance. It refers to the innermost intention or motive behind an action, whether it is good or bad. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has emphasized the importance of pure and sincere intentions, and how they can transform ordinary actions into acts of worship.

Islam teaches that every deed will be judged according to the intention behind it. This means that even the smallest action can be rewarded or punished based on the intention. For example, a person who drinks water with the intention of quenching their thirst can earn the reward, but a person who drinks water to show off or impress others will not earn any reward.

Furthermore, Islam encourages believers to perform their deeds solely for the sake of Allah (SWT), seeking His pleasure and not the approval or recognition of others. This is reflected in a Hadith where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Verily actions are by intentions, and for every person is what he intended” (Sahih Al-Bukhari).

The role of intentions is particularly important in acts of worship in Islam. For instance, the five daily prayers (Salah) should be performed with the intention of worshipping Allah (SWT) alone and seeking His pleasure. Similarly, fasting in the month of Ramadan should be done with the intention of seeking Allah’s reward and gaining taqwa (God-consciousness).

Additionally, Islam recognizes that intentions can change over time. For example, a person may start performing an act of worship with a sincere intention but later be influenced by external factors, such as seeking praise or recognition, and the reward for the deed may be reduced or nullified.

Islam places great emphasis on the purity and sincerity of intentions in all aspects of life. It teaches that intentions can elevate ordinary actions to acts of worship and that every deed will be judged based on the intention behind it. Therefore, it is crucial for Muslims to cultivate and maintain pure and sincere intentions in all their actions, seeking the pleasure of Allah (SWT) alone.

The Impact of Intentions on One’s Faith and Moral Character in Islam

In Islam, intentions hold a significant place in shaping one’s faith and moral character. Islam emphasizes that one’s actions are judged not only by their external appearance but also by the purity and sincerity of their intentions. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Actions are judged by intentions, and every person will be rewarded according to their intention” (Sahih Bukhari).

A Muslim is required to have pure and sincere intentions in all their actions, whether it be worship or daily life activities. A person who performs an act of worship with the intention of pleasing Allah and seeking His reward will be rewarded for it, even if the act itself is small. Similarly, a person who helps others with the intention of seeking Allah’s pleasure will be rewarded for their efforts.

The concept of intentions also plays a crucial role in the development of moral character. Muslims are encouraged to purify their intentions to avoid negative traits such as arrogance, envy, and greed. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Verily, Allah does not look at your appearance or wealth, but He looks at your hearts and actions” (Sahih Muslim).

Islam also teaches that a person’s intentions should be aligned with their actions. If one intends to do something good but fails to act on it, they will not be rewarded. This emphasizes the importance of taking action and putting one’s intentions into practice.

Moreover, Islam teaches that the intention behind an action can transform a seemingly mundane task into an act of worship. For instance, if a person goes to work with the intention of providing for their family and fulfilling their obligations, their work becomes a means of worship and reward.

In summary, intentions play a crucial role in Islam, shaping a person’s faith, moral character, and actions. Muslims are encouraged to have pure and sincere intentions in all their actions, aligning their intentions with their actions and seeking Allah’s pleasure in all aspects of life.

The Dangers of Corrupt Intentions and Actions in Islam

In Islamic teachings, intentions (niyyah) are given great importance in determining the moral value and reward of actions. Good intentions are considered a necessary condition for any act of worship or good deed to be accepted by Allah (God) and for the doer to receive its reward.

On the other hand, corrupt intentions and actions have severe consequences on one’s faith and moral character. In fact, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) warned that “Verily, deeds are only with intentions, and every person will have only what they intended” (Sahih Bukhari).

A person who performs acts of worship or good deeds with corrupt intentions, such as showing off or seeking praise, may not receive any reward from Allah and may even face punishment. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “The first people to be judged on the Day of Resurrection will be a man who died as a martyr. He will be brought forward, and Allah will remind him of the blessings He had bestowed upon him and will ask him: What did you do with them? The man will reply: I fought for Your sake until I was martyred. Allah will say: You have lied, for you only fought so that people would call you courageous. Then, the order will be given for him to be dragged on his face until he is thrown into Hellfire” (Sahih Muslim).

Similarly, a person who has corrupt intentions in their daily life and dealings with others may cause harm and damage to themselves and those around them, leading to a decline in their moral character and spiritual well-being.

In Islam, it is emphasized that a person’s intentions should be pure and sincere, seeking only the pleasure and reward of Allah. This means that every act of worship or good deed should be performed solely for the sake of Allah, without any desire for worldly gain or recognition.

By focusing on pure and sincere intentions, Muslims are encouraged to cultivate a strong connection with Allah and to strive towards moral excellence in all aspects of their lives. This serves as a reminder that the intention behind every action is just as important as the action itself and that a person’s moral character is reflected in their intentions and actions.

Performing good deeds with the wrong intention in Islam

In Islam, the intention behind an action is of utmost importance, as it determines the moral value and reward of the action in the eyes of Allah. Good actions performed with the wrong intention may not be rewarded or may even be considered sinful.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Verily, actions are by intentions, and for every person is what he intended. So, whoever emigrated to Allah and His Messenger, then his emigration was for Allah and His Messenger. And whoever emigrated to achieve some worldly benefit or to take a woman in marriage, then his emigration was for what he emigrated for.” (Sahih Bukhari)

This hadith highlights the importance of pure and sincere intentions in all actions, including religious acts such as prayer, fasting, and charity. The intention should always be to seek the pleasure of Allah and to fulfill His commandments, rather than seeking recognition, praise, or other worldly gains.

Performing good deeds with the wrong intention, such as to show off, gain social status, or out of fear of punishment or seeking worldly rewards, is considered a form of hypocrisy or insincerity. This is because the intention is not focused on pleasing Allah, but on achieving personal gain or avoiding harm.

Allah knows what is in the hearts of His servants and judges them accordingly. The Quran states, “And they may conceal their intentions from people, but they cannot conceal them from Allah, for He is with them in the hours of the night and during the day when they are engaged in various activities.” (3: 29)

Therefore, it is essential to purify our intentions and make them solely for the sake of Allah in order to attain His blessings and reward in this life and the hereafter. As the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions, and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended.” (Sahih Bukhari)

The Role of Self-Reflection and Accountability in Maintaining Pure Intentions in Islam

In Islam, intention (niyyah) plays a vital role in shaping an individual’s actions and their moral character. Every action, whether it is a small everyday task or a significant act of worship, is judged by the intention behind it. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Indeed, actions are judged by intentions, and every person shall have what they intended.”

The importance of intentions in Islam lies in the fact that they determine the morality and reward of an action. A good intention can turn a mundane task into a virtuous act, while a bad intention can turn a good deed into a sinful act. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Verily, Allah does not look at your appearance or your wealth, but He looks at your hearts and your deeds.”

In acts of worship, intentions play a crucial role. For example, the five daily prayers are not merely physical movements, but they are spiritual acts of worship that require sincere intentions. The intention for prayer is made in the heart before starting the physical actions. Similarly, the intention for fasting during the month of Ramadan is what makes the act of abstaining from food and drink a rewarding act of worship.

Maintaining pure and sincere intentions is essential for every Muslim to stay on the path of righteousness. Islam teaches the importance of self-reflection and accountability to help individuals maintain their intentions. Muslims are encouraged to regularly engage in self-reflection and assess their intentions to ensure they are pure and sincere. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “The best jihad (struggle) is the one waged against the self.”

Additionally, Islam teaches the importance of seeking knowledge to ensure that one’s intentions and actions are aligned with the teachings of Islam. It is essential to have a clear understanding of the principles and guidelines of Islam to ensure that one’s actions and intentions are in line with the teachings of Islam.

The role of intentions in Islam is paramount in shaping an individual’s faith and moral character. Maintaining pure and sincere intentions in all actions is essential for Muslims to achieve success in this life and the hereafter. Self-reflection and accountability are crucial tools to help Muslims maintain their intentions and stay on the path of righteousness.

The Effect of Bad Intention in Islam

In Islam, intentions play a crucial role in determining the moral value of one’s actions. It is believed that good intentions lead to good actions and bad intentions lead to bad actions. The effect of bad intentions can be seen in both personal and social aspects of life.

On a personal level, bad intentions can lead to negative consequences such as guilt, regret, and a loss of inner peace. If a person performs a good deed with a bad intention, they may receive praise and recognition from others but they will not feel the spiritual benefit of the action. For example, if someone donates money to a charity with the intention of impressing others rather than helping the needy, the act loses its spiritual value.

On a social level, bad intentions can lead to harm and injustice. If a person has a bad intention towards someone, they may harm them in some way or even spread false rumors about them. This not only harms the individual but can also create conflict and unrest in the wider community.

In Islam, it is believed that Allah is aware of the intentions behind every action and will judge people accordingly. The Quran states, “And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is accepting of repentance and Merciful.” (49:12) This verse highlights the importance of not only avoiding harm to others but also avoiding bad intentions towards them.

The effect of bad intentions in Islam is significant and can have negative consequences on both personal and social levels. It is important to strive for pure and sincere intentions in all actions and seek forgiveness for any mistakes or shortcomings.

Practical Tips for Maintaining Pure and Sincere Intentions in Islam

Maintaining pure and sincere intentions is crucial in Islam, as it affects one’s faith, actions, and moral character.

Some practical tips for maintaining pure and sincere intentions in Islam:

  1. Seek knowledge: Seek knowledge about Islam to understand its teachings and principles. The more knowledge you gain, the better you can align your intentions with the teachings of Islam.
  2. Remember Allah: Always remember Allah and seek His guidance in everything you do. Remembering Allah throughout the day and seeking His help to maintain sincerity in your intentions can help you stay on the right path.
  3. Be mindful of your intentions: Be aware of your intentions when you perform any action, whether it is a religious obligation or a daily routine task. Ask yourself why you are doing it and remind yourself of the intention behind it.
  4. Evaluate your intentions: Take time to evaluate your intentions regularly, and assess whether they align with the teachings of Islam. If you find any inconsistencies, take corrective measures to realign them with Islamic principles.
  5. Avoid seeking recognition: Avoid seeking recognition or praise from others for your good deeds, as this can compromise your intentions. Instead, focus on pleasing Allah and seeking His reward.
  6. Seek sincerity in your prayers: In your daily prayers, make sure you are seeking sincerity in your intentions. Ask Allah to purify your heart and grant you pure and sincere intentions.
  7. Repent for impure intentions: If you find that your intentions were not pure in some actions, repent to Allah and seek His forgiveness. Renew your intention to do better in the future.

Maintaining pure and sincere intentions is critical in Islam. It requires a conscious effort to align our intentions with the teachings of Islam, and regular self-reflection and accountability. By following these practical tips, we can strive to maintain pure and sincere intentions in all our actions and achieve the pleasure of Allah.

The Benefits of Living a Life Guided by Pure and Sincere Intentions in Islam

In Islam, the concept of intention, or niyyah, is of utmost importance. It is believed that a person’s intentions shape their actions, which in turn shape their character and ultimately their destiny. Living a life guided by pure and sincere intentions is considered to be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling ways to live.

Some benefits of maintaining pure intentions in Islam:

  1. Fulfillment of the Purpose of Creation: According to Islamic belief, human beings were created to worship and serve Allah. Living a life guided by pure intentions helps us fulfill this purpose and brings us closer to our Creator.
  2. Inner Peace and Tranquility: When a person’s intentions are pure, they experience inner peace and tranquility. They are free from the burden of guilt and regret and are able to lead a contented life.
  3. Increased Blessings: Islam teaches that when a person’s intentions are pure, Allah blesses them with success and goodness. Their actions are guided by a higher purpose and are thus more likely to be accepted and rewarded.
  4. Better Relationships: Pure intentions also translate into better relationships with others. When we approach our interactions with others with sincerity and kindness, we are more likely to build stronger and more fulfilling relationships.
  5. Protection from Evil: Islam teaches that pure intentions protect us from the influence of evil. When our intentions are guided by a higher purpose, we are less likely to succumb to negative influences and temptations.

The benefits of living a life guided by pure and sincere intentions are numerous. By making an effort to purify our intentions and align them with the teachings of Islam, we can lead a more fulfilling and rewarding life.

Final Thoughts:

In Islamic worship, intention is a crucial element in performing acts of worship. For example, before performing salah (prayer), a Muslim must have the intention to pray and fulfill their duty to Allah. Similarly, before fasting during Ramadan, a Muslim must have the intention to fast purely for the sake of Allah.

Overall, intention or niyyah is a crucial aspect of Islam and is emphasized throughout the Quran and Sunnah. It is believed to have a significant impact on the moral and spiritual value of one’s actions and is essential in developing a sincere and close relationship with Allah.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once said,

“Verily, deeds are only with intentions, and every person will have only what they intended.” (Sahih Bukhari)



Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid

"Versatile Wordsmith | IT Solutions Strategist | Motorcycle Voyager | Multilingual Enthusiast". I’m so deep even the ocean gets jealous